Wednesday, October 10, 2012


What a city! There is no place like Venice and we had a wonderful time exploring it (and getting lost, which is what you do in Venice!).
St. Mark's crowded with tourists but you can't miss it.

Inside the Basilica, just a small close up of the millions of mosaics inside...simply breathtaking.

The Grand Canal

 Gondolier reading the paper.

My favorite picture! This is what we did, over and over, all over Venice, along with just about everyone else!!

Water taxi on our way to Murano

Glass making demonstration in Murano...there's Kaybrie's horse!

In the garden at Cipriani for our birthday brunch celebration. We were there for almost 3 hours enjoying our delicious meal and each other's company.

Sunset in Venice. After a short rest back at our hotel, we walked over to Academia for a Vivaldi concert at the Chiesa San Vidal. I wish this blog supported music, I would add it! It was the perfect ending to a perfect day in Venice.

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