Wednesday, September 26, 2012 making me late...

Two more sleeps and I am running out of time. It doesn't help that I spent this last weekend on an adventure that would stand on its own as a life changing event and I am still deeply invested in riding that wave. Instead of checking all the important to do's off my list, I have been emailing my new sisters and researching fly fishing instruction, organizations and lessons. 

Last night we began the packing process, so proud of ourselves for being so uncharacteristically organized and austere!! When we were done, there were 3 more items added to the list of to-get, another job for today. But, we are so excited about this trip that nothing life has tried to throw at us so far has daunted our enthusiasm. Yay for perspective!!

This morning I awoke to a text from Alice telling me they were on their way to Portland to catch the bus (bus?) to Boston to catch the plane to D.C. to catch the plane to Munich, in which they would claim their first class seats. I was unaware after all this planning that there was a BUS involved. I must say the visual gave me a chuckle. My distinguished parents with their classy luggage and refined appearance on the Greyhound to Boston. I think it just makes me feel better, in a sour grapes kind of way, about cramming into my coach seat with my plastic serveware for 8 hours. Sad, but true.
Time to color my hair and wait for my global phone to arrive.
Happy dance....

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